Sunday, February 22, 2009

ESO says no to plastic bags in new campaign ..

Oman: Sunday, October 26 - 2008 at 14:09

(L-R): Dr. Brian Buckley, CEO of Oman LNG, H.H. Sayyida Tania bint Shabib Al Said of the ESO, and Ms. Nida Helou.

A pioneering campaign has been launched by the Environmental Society of Oman (ESO), aiming to dramatically reduce the amount of plastic bags used in the Sultanate, over the next years.

The 6 month campaign, fully endorsed by the Minister of Environment and Climate Affairs, received support from Oman LNG LLC. It aims at educating consumers on the impact plastic bags are having on the environment while providing them with ways to cut down on usage and pollution. Residents of Oman will be urged to reduce and reuse plastic bags, while opting for reusable jute bags as a primary alternative. Prior to the press conference, H.E. Sayyid Hamoud bin Faisal al Busaidi said:

'As part of Oman's drive for greater environmental sustainability, we welcome and value today's launch of ESO's anti plastic bag campaign. We urge everyone in Oman to support this exercise and fully play their part in ensuring the success of the campaign. ESO is undertaking this initiative to generate awareness among the people about the dire need to reduce plastic bags from our life and protect the environment.'

With four to five trillion plastic bags being manufactured worldwide every year, the ESO says the impact is proving catastrophic to the environment and both marine and terrestrial wildlife of Oman.
H.H. Sayyida Tania bint Shabib Al Said of the ESO said:

'We are seeing an increasing number of desert, wadi and sea areas in and around Oman, being polluted by discarded plastic bags. Unfortunately, bags are being carried by the wind into these areas and, as a result, many of Oman's sea birds, marine mammals, turtles and land mammals such as goats, are dying unnecessarily. Worldwide, approximately 1 million sea birds and 100,000 marine mammals die every year by mistaking plastic bags for food as well as causing suffocation.'

Taking over 60 years to breakdown, plastic bags are spoiling landscapes and oceans and posing a serious threat to the environment. Countries all over the world are slowly becoming aware of the threat they pose, and are using means such as taxation and laws to reduce it.

Dr. Brian Buckley, CEO of Oman LNG, said, 'Worldwide, thanks to campaigns like this one, we are seeing significant reductions in plastic bag usage and an increase in the recycling of plastic bags. As a long term partner of the ESO, we believe in the importance of this 'first of its kind' campaign in Oman and see it as part of our responsibility to Oman's environment to do everything possible to support it.'

The ESO campaign will focus on educating consumers through a series of roadshows, competitions and marketing initiatives, proving that everyone should take responsibility for preserving their environment.

At the press conference, held yesterday, representatives from Oman LNG signed an agreement with ESO to lend its support to the Society. The agreement signifies the long-term relationship Oman LNG has with ESO, and proof of the company's future commitment to the work of this Omani NGO. Oman LNG's support of the ESO highlights the company's commitment to protecting the environment as well as its continuous support to initiatives promoting best practices and habits aimed at preserving Oman's environment and protecting its flora and fauna.

Plans are already underway to kick off the campaign with a series of fun, educational roadshows in and around Oman's interior areas. With visits to Sur, Sohar, Nizwa, Ibra and Salalah over the next six months, the ESO hopes to spread awareness amongst Oman's consumers while distributing 105,000 reusable jute bags.

H.H. Sayyida Tania bint Shabib Al Said concludes, 'Every one of us can make a difference to our environment by choosing to reduce, reuse and recycle plastic bags in the Sultanate. Through educating our consumers in as many ways as possible, we feel that it is only a matter of time before the damage caused by plastic bag disposal in Oman is significantly reduced.'

The ESO road show begins in Sur on 27th, 28th and 29th November.

Resource of info ::

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